Join us for our Annual Christmas Pageant!
Sunday December 8th at 6PM

"Your Silent Night" - presented by Church of God musicians and families!

Enjoy an evening of music and the story of the birth of Christ! This is a Christmas pageant for all ages- bring the whole family! 

Join us for weekly worship & Sunday Bible classes!

Sunday Bible classes for ALL AGES!  9:30AM - 10:15AM  

Sunday Service  10:30AM

Wednesday Service  7:00PM

Nursery facilities are available for caretakers and their children ages 0-2 

¡Hablamos Español! Acompañanos cada semana en nuestra alabanza, escuela dominical, y eventos familiares.

5334 Whitney Avenue, Carmichael

Join our LIVESTREAM on Sunday mornings!
Hablamos EspaƱol!
Proveemos traducciones en Español en nuestros servicios de alabanza. 
Porfavor hable con nuestros ujieres cuando llegue si requiere unos audifonos.