Jeremiah 33:14 Do I feel my choices have disqualified me from God’s love? God's promises have nothing to do with my circumstances. The Israelites gave into peer pressure; it was the same then as now. When they least expected, it God fulfilled his promise. Pursue God with your whole heart!

The Advent of Christ: Christmas Kingdom

Isaiah 9:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 We enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with violence - it involves the overthrow of the Kingdom of Darkness.

Jesus is the Messiah. He isn’t an ideal human or a prophet. He is part of the one God, incarnate.

A kingdom has:

  • a beginning.
  • a monarch.
  • is unique.

This kingdom existed in heaven, but when the son of God was born, the heavenly kingdom on earth began. The king arrived.

At times it has peeked out of heaven: with the horses and chariots of fire, when Elijah called down fire to the altar, and when the Red Sea was parted.

Isaiah 53:1,2

A kingdom has:

  • Subjects
  • Boundaries
  • Protection against enemies
  • Allegiance to monarch

Hope (on earth) represents:

  • Something not yet acquired
  • Possibility of acquiring
  • Submission to something or someone to acquire

Jesus represents the kingdom so I submit to Him. What does submission mean? I am accountable to Jesus. He gets to inspect what I have. He protects the kingdom and his “customs and border patrol” is always just and fair. There’s no government corruption in this kingdom.

One can’t be in two kingdoms at the same time; there's no dual citizenship.

Luke 4:5,6,7,8 The devil is over the kingdoms of the world. There is some glory there. Jesus was tempted to change allegiance.

This Christmas Kingdom has Offices of Hope, Kindness, Heavenly Discernment, Recovery, Fulfillment, and Contentment available to subjects of the kingdom.

I must renounce citizenship of any other kingdom. All that choose to be in this kingdom are the same.

Colossians 1:12,13